Beating Around….Lent
Hello my blog readers! I didn’t like the format of my old
blog, not because tumblr isn’t a great avenue for expression and thought but
because I didn’t know how to format it well. So what did I do? Why I’m American
aren’t I? I got rid of it and got a new, easier model! I need to be able to
embarrass myself in creative ways than writing without having to think too
much. And so enters…Beating Around the Bueche. I really want to take credit for
the name but I can’t because it wasn’t my idea. It was the idea of dear friend
and comical enthusiast Heidi Vanessa Giles (You are so pretty Heidi!).
So anyway, let’s begin.
I woke up this morning with a glimmer of excitement that
literally gave my eyes a special twinkle (this twinkle also could have been
left over from my visit to Magic Kingdom with cousin and princess Amanda
Johnson but who can really say). Yes everyone, Ash Wednesday is finally here
complete with forty fabulous days of sacrifice, prayer, atonement and fasting.
Well BRING ON THE SACRIFICE CHALLENGE because I have forty days to blame my
bizarre behavior on the Catholic church with little judgment (thanks to the “Oh
I gave that up” excuse) coming my way. Oh. So. Sweet!
Now I realize
that my deep love for the season of Lent is completely strange because two
years ago Lent meant nothing to me. It was meaningless, meatless Fridays if I
remembered and a reason to justify my lack of reverence for the season. But as
God will always have His way, that changed.
During the summer of 2010 as my friends and family know, I
went on a mission trip to Prague. It was one of the first times in my life that
many of my normal comforts were taken away from me. I went with none of my
close friends, no one was catholic, and I didn’t bring a computer which meant I
had to borrow from others when they weren’t using theirs. On top of that my
time was not my own. We had devotional every morning, followed by a trip to the
local university to talk to foreign atheists whose first language was NOT
English about a Jesus in whom they did not believe. One word: AWKWARD. Another
Yes, these little comforts may seem small (come on Mal, make
new friends, who care about denominations, and about the lap top…. REALLY!?!)
but over time they began to wear on me. And as they wore on me, my attitude
turned black. Through this experience I came face to face with the facts that I
am super selfish with my time, have a problem with authority and hate it when
someone is getting all of the attention that I “deserve”. Oh, and I also come
with a side of completely undeserved self-righteousness. Sound like your next
best friend?
I would sit and journal about my sour attitude every morning
until I would hear in my heart “ Yeah, you do have a problem with all of these
things, now would you please let go of them and grab onto me? “ DANG! My God
loves me despite me, I Love That!
All of the discomfort that summer left me to focus on my God
and the state of my heart. With an honest view of my ugliness and an honest
view at the love of my God, I was changed. After I got home, I found my self
longing to be placed in the discomfort that brought me so close to my Lord,
that finally left me clinging on to Him for my strength instead of business or
quick wit or a mountain of excuses for why I am the way that I am! It was then
that I realized that I have a 40 day opportunity every year to willingly become
uncomfortable! WHAT A GREAT IDEA CATHOLIC CHURCH! The meaning of Lent has been
lost in tradition and rules (I mean CAN you break penance on Sunday?... COP
OUT!) but in reality it is an amazing opportunity to voluntarily rid ourselves
become uncomfortable, forcing change in our lives.
In the book of Isaiah 30:15 tells us “"In repentance
and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you
would have none of it.”
Isn’t this us for most of the year? We make ourselves
conveniently busy because to be left alone with Our God and ourselves is SO
uncomfortable. We know that we fall short but it is just to easy to put on a
front and leave our heart alone.
Lent is your opportunity to get uncomfortable! It is your opportunity to literally
change over the next 40 days! It’s a time for us to put all of our “shoulds”
into action. Yes, we should be nicer, we should be more compassionate, we
should be less judgmental, we should pray more, we should read our bible, we
should do a lot of things that we just don’t do because we are way to
comfortable to have to change. Lent is the opportunity to force life change, to
take action in becoming the person that you want to be, the person that God
calls you to become. It really is amazing, and it’s not a particularly fun
process, but it is a GOOD process.
With that said, I was driving to church this morning with a
delicious cup of coffee in my hand. I have thought about giving up coffee for
probably three years now but every time I come up with an excuse not to. Guess
what! If a cup of brown caffeine has that much of a hold in my life, then it
needs to go for a while, my relationship with it is unhealthy. So guess what…
goodbye coffee, hello headache and I will see you in 40 days.
What is it that you cling to? That you think that you can’t
live without or think you could never start doing? Go BIG this Lent, make it
different, stretch yourself. Any part of you that dies probably shouldn’t be
alive in the first place. You will
be different come Easter Sunday and whatever you sacrificed will still be
waiting for you on the other side.
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