Monday, August 15, 2016

God and Mary in 2016. His relevance.

Every now and then I need just a little bit of Sister Act in my life. The 1990’s Roman Catholic Rock movie with Whoopie Goldberg arguably at her best and without a doubt at her most joyful. To my husbands delight, we rocked out to a few Sister Act songs this morning in honor of the Assumption ofMary celebrated today. I mean who doesn’t love it when the shy novice of a religious order surprises all with powerhouse vocal chords that put the cherubim and seraphim to shame.

Now of course, I would not be telling you about my Sister Act love, making myself irrelevant to anyone born after the year 1989 if there was not a very very profound point to be made about God’s ultimate coolness. We will get back to Sister Act my wish for religious sisters to turn up the jams in our churches today but for now, let’s talk about God’s realness and relevance. Enter… the Virgin Mary.

Regardless of how you feel about Mary, travel with me back to the beginning of God’s promise on her life. The first chapter of Luke gives us almost all that we know about her. After the angel appeared to her and told her, “Surprise you are going to be the mother of God”, she went to visit her cousin Elizabeth. At their greeting, Elizabeth gives Mary one hell of a compliment, “ Blessed is she who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled “ and then the climax. Mary recites a canticle giving all glory and gratitude to the God of Jacob in one of the most beautiful prayers ever uttered by human lips.

“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my savior. For he has looked upon His handmaiden’s lowliness; behold, from now on all ages will call me blessed.  (Read the rest here)

All ages will call her blessed? ALL AGES?

Last time I checked all means all and so if God is real and He keeps His promises then we should be able to see this “All Ages” claim happening even now! So let us ask. Have all generations called her blessed? Is Mary in fact truly blessed for believing that what was spoken to her would be fulfilled?

My dear friends, I present to you a 2016 National Geographic cover. 

“ The Most Powerful Woman in the Word” 

What? A young woman from Nazareth who lived 2000 years ago was named the world’s most powerful woman in 2016 by a secular global exploration magazine. And what’s the article tag line? (you can read the whole article here)

Mary barely speaks in the New Testament but her image and legacy are found and celebrated all over the world.

Blessed INDEED is she who believed that what was spoken to her would be fulfilled. It is hard to argue that the God of Jacob who supposedly sent his son to us through Mary 2000 years ago is made up when His promises are still being fulfilled in tangible, visible, recordable history today. This article goes on to talk about the influence that Mary has had all over the world over the past and in the present. It is hard to say that this woman is meant to distract when she by her own words is constantly pointing us to the living God. He is real and she by her mere presence points to Him and His character.

Mary reveals to indistinguishable truths about God. First, God is real and He is a powerhouse. Second, this powerhouse of a living God is personal. He made a promised to a no name girl and He kept it. It was through that promise that He sent us the God man, all powerful but in the muck and the mud of humanity. He cares about the details of your life, He loves you and He is faithful. We can see this in history. Even Whoopie Goldberg, probably not on purpose, blessed Mary by the filming of Sister Act. God used Hollywood to honor His lady and they didn’t even realize it.

God. Is. Cool.

All generation call her blessed indeed and our blessed Mother will forever point us to a living and relevant God who wants to be in the details of your life. You can choose to ignore him but you cannot choose to block Him out of existence, He continues to prove Himself.

Happy Assumption Friends!

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